Our little town changed their chicken zoning earlier this year and we were first in line for a permit. (Yes, chickens require permits now. Because bureaucracy makes the world go round.) I grew up around chickens, but not like these. These beauties are pets, coworkers, part of the family. I could go on for hours about my babies, but here are the top five reasons they make my world a better place.
There is something crazy soothing about watching animals just be animals. Watching our beautiful birds peck around the run, interacting with one another and just being content in their perfect poultry lives brings an overwhelming sense of calm. Even my husband, who admits he’s creeped out by anything that flies, can be found pulling his lounge chair over beside the run to soak up some of our girls’ awesome vibe.

You don’t have to observe your flock for long before you can tell who is vying for Queen of the Pecking Order, who is most playful, who is the least social and who is your most cuddly. My Salmon Faverolles rooster, Peepers, used to jump into my arms when he was scared and loved to be cuddled and pet like a dog. (Unfortunately, roosters aren’t allowed within our city limits, so he eventually had to be re-homed. I put it off for as. long. as. possible. and still miss him so much.)
Chickens are hearty animals who require little from their owners. We choose to uber-socialize ours, spending time holding, hand-feeding and interacting with them each day, but this is not a requirement. They are simple to care for and you don’t need to spend any effort “training” them as you would with an inside pet like a dog or cat. They need food and clean water every day, a safe place to live, and before you know it, they’re producing eggs! Winning.

I am a big believer is surrounding myself with life, living beings, in order to enrich my own. It’s why I have dogs, even though it seems like someone pees on the floor every single day. It’s why I garden, even though I didn’t get a single edible watermelon this season. And, it’s why I tuck a coop in the corner of my backyard when nobody else around me would even consider it.
#5 EGGS!
In the interest of full disclosure I should note that our girls haven’t actually started laying eggs yet. (Our chicken journey has been a little a-typical, but that’s for another post.) But I am SO EXCITED for when they start. We eat a lot of eggs in our house and I am thrilled to take advantage of the health benefits of eating eggs that have not been subjected to external impacts.
How about you? Do you have a backyard flock? Would you ever consider it?