
Tag: read-aloud

Homeschooling During Pregnancy

Homeschooling During Pregnancy

When you think of weird homeschoolers, you probably think of denim dresses, conversion vans and lots of lots of children. While most of these stereotypes don’t ring true across the board, it’s true that many of the homeschooling families I know would be considered “large […]

Homeschooling with Littles

Homeschooling with Littles

I’ve seen a lot of frazzled momma posts on social media lately asking for advice on how to homeschool (or accomplish anything at all) with littles underfoot. It’s an age-old problem and I think one that gets sweeter and more manageable the farther from that […]

Nine Weeks on the Trail (Guide to Learning)

Nine Weeks on the Trail (Guide to Learning)

We are nine weeks into our school year and our new unit-based curriculum, Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Exploration from Geography Matters. So far we’ve explored Columbus’s early years and the significant events which led to his becoming the most famous explorer in American […]