
Essential Oils: Don’t Live the Weird Life Without Them

Essential Oils: Don’t Live the Weird Life Without Them

In typical late-adopter fashion, I discovered essential oils about two years ago and am now a full-on, spread-the-word believer. I think anyone can find relief (for something) by using them. The world of oils can be kind of overwhelming if you’re just getting started, though, so my best advice is to pick a few oils with broad applications and give them a try.

First, a couple of general rules:

  • Make sure you’re buying pure, therapeutic grade oils (which may NOT be the kind you find at the grocery store, or super cheap at your favorite big-box retailer.)
  • Oils should always be mixed with a carrier oil before applying.
  • Don’t ingest oils. (I have read competing opinions on this, but it seems that more people fall into the “don’t eat them” camp than the “eat, drink and be merry” camp.

Here are my top three, go-to essential oils and a great place to start:


Lavendar is the duct tape of essential oils. It can pretty much fix anything. Its gentle scent is comforting and soothing, making it very effective for simple aromatherapy. (Note: Aromatherapy is a science unto itself, but it can be as simple as placing a few drops in a diffuser, or a drop on a cotton ball and taking a few deep breaths.) I often apply Lavendar to the bottoms of my kids’ feet before bed; they call it “the dream stuff.” Lavendar is great for any and all skin issues – from sunburn to rashes and can even be used as part of your daily skincare regimen.


Peppermint is my go-to when something hurts. It is extremely effective for headaches. Just mix a few drops with a carrier and apply to your temples, forehead and/or back of your neck. (Peppermint is strong, so less is more with this one. Be mindful to avoid getting the oil too close to your eyes, as it can be a mild irritant.) Rub it on sore muscles, or on your belly to alleviate stomach aches.


Thieves is a powerful friend to have in your arsenal when it comes to germs and illness. Apply Thieves to the bottom of your feet each night during cold and flu season to boost your immune system. I have found it to be very soothing on sore throats when applied directly to the neck; and powerful at healing cold sores when applied directly to the lesion. It is also a powerful cleaning agent and a natural way to eliminate germs around the house.

*Thieves goes by a few names. I use Eden’s Garden essential oils, which used to market this as a blend called “Four Thieves” and now goes by “Fighting Five.” Young Living essential oils simply calls their version “Thieves.” Depending on the brand you choose, you may find this blend under a different pseudonym.